In the Midst of Life
In the Midst of Life
Ottchil (Korean lacquer), Hemp cloth,
Hanji(Korean mulberry paper) on wood
30x60cm x5ps
<In the Midst of Life> accentuates the charming spectrum of blue hues while horizontally dividing the canvas into two, naturally creating and addressing binary oppositions of contrasting concepts such as real and non-real, figurative and abstract, and East and West.
The variation of colors that demonstrates both the fusion and autonomy of different tones of blue, unique matière and sensuous blank spaces created by ottchil and hemp cloth, and repetition of brushstrokes building up in layers give form to the principles of nature, generating an aesthetic language that resonates among and within us.
Through the islands that appear in every canvas, Rimm creates a powerful metaphor for life, that we sometimes live independently and in the company of others, with the overall composition of each island both standing on its own and functioning as a part of the whole. At times, she carries on the spirit of dansaekhwa (monochrome painting), which focuses on “the layering of time and repetitive action,” while also demonstrating the artistic method of incorporating figurative elements by simplifying the expression of the islands.
In the Midst of Life
Ottchil (Korean lacquer), Hemp cloth on wood
In the Midst of Life
Ottchil (Korean lacquer), Hemp cloth,
Hanji(Korean mulberry paper) on wood
The artist’s deepening reflection on pristine landscapes guides her to simplify both the composition and color of her paintings as she further develops her work. This imparts the value of wuwei (non-doing), in which we clear our minds and leave everything up to nature, thus following its order.
By painting islands on a space of depth created by layering colors, Rimm transforms her canvases into planes of sensuous and abstract images as well as in-depth ontological exploration. The islands expressed through changes in the density and humidity of ottchil convey the spirits of silence in movement and movement in silence (dongjungjeong and jeongjungdong).
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