Dancing willows

by - March 27, 2019

Dancing willows
Ottchil (Korean lacquer), Hemp cloth
Mother-of-pearl, 22K gold plate silver on wood
122x162 cm

Rimm Chae overcame the stickiness of lacquer to use pointillism in "Dancing willows", in which the matière and rich use of color creates a sense of mystique. The vivid, yet delicate dancheong hues form bands of color upon the canvas. The colorful dots carefully painted in traditional hues add depth and a modern feel to the painting, while mother-of-pearl shines against the vibrant background.

*dancheong: Korean traditional decorative coloring and patterns painted on wooden structures to protect them from the elements and harmful insects. Based on the five basic colors–blue, red, yellow, white, black – dancheong has decorated Korean buildings since prehistoric times.

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