Colors of the wind, Colors of the tree
Colors of the wind, Colors of the tree
Ottchil (Korean lacquer), Hemp cloth
Mother-of-pearl, Brass on wood
60x70 cm
Mother-of-pearl, Brass on wood
60x70 cm
Colors of the wind, Colors of the tree
Ottchil (Korean lacquer), Hemp cloth
Mother-of-pearl, Silver on wood
60x70 cm
Mother-of-pearl, Silver on wood
60x70 cm
For "Colors of the wind, Colors of the tree", Rimm Chae focused on capturing the essence of the wind rather than keeping true to reality. The traditional Korean colors painted in stripes of lacquer are vibrant, yet peaceful. At first, it may seem like a painting of green hues, but it is actually a colorful collection of strips of dancheong colors – blue, red, white, yellow, brown, orange, and purple – that come together in harmony. Through repetition and variation, these lines create a surface where branch-like sculptures are carefully placed upon, creating a balance between both the horizontal and vertical.
*dancheong: Korean traditional decorative coloring and patterns painted on wooden structures to protect them from the elements and harmful insects. Based on the five basic colors–blue, red, yellow, white, black – dancheong has decorated Korean buildings since prehistoric times.
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